
Client Bank Accounts

Investors are requested to note that Stock broker - SAROJ SECURITIES is permitted to receive/pay money from/to investor through designated bank accounts only named as client bank accounts. Stock broker SAROJ SECURITIES is also required to disclose these client bank accounts to Stock Exchange.

Hence, you are requested to use following client bank accounts only for the purpose of dealings in your trading account with us. The details of these client bank accounts are also displayed by Stock Exchanges on their website under "Know/ Locate your Stock Broker

Name of Bank Account Bank Account No IFSC Bank
Saroj securities 01270340004747 HDFC000127 HDFC Bank
NSE Client account
Saroj securities 628805022352 ICIC0006288 ICICI Bank
NSE Client account




Recent SEBI Circular

Capital & Derivative Segment

For Individuals/Corporate
If you are an Individual/Corporate and

would like to open a Trading Account in Capital and Derivatives Segment,

then please download the Form and Annexures below and send it to us.

 NSE Capital, F&O, Currency Derivative, Market Segment


Policy and Procedures